Work with me

I'm here to support you in any number of ways


– by attending any of the scheduled in-person trainings, retreats and other programs I offer. 


– which is what this page is all about.
We find a suitable time to meet in-person or online,  and I support you in any of the ways explained below.

The choice is yours!

You can work with me on your own; with another person; or as part of any kind of group

Donal Gannon NVC Portugal v2


For YOU and only YOU, and whatever YOU want to bring

Coaching | Mentoring
Consultation | Empathy



 For partners, family members, friends, work colleagues, neighbours…

Relationship Coaching
Couples Counselling



For families, businesses, communities, social / learning groups…

Organisational Consultation
Group Coaching
Private Training
Team Building

Want help…

Like many others, you could contact me looking for any kind of support; sometimes more generally, sometimes with a particular issue. It could be about a relationship, work, your health & wellbeing, your life direction, or pretty much anything.

​Whatever the case, I believe that to make a lasting positive impact, we need more than just one practice or set of principles. As they say, “It takes a full toolbox to build a house”. So, I use many ‘tools’, which complement and reinforce each other. Some are outlined below and a few are explained in more detail on the pages linked.

Together, we can choose and experiment with as many as we think are helpful. We see which fit best for your particular issue(s), personality(ies) and capacity(ies); to appropriately resolve and transform whatever you bring.

...To move towards what you want?

Regardless of what we call these sessions, whether it’s coaching, consultation, mentoring or even therapy, I’m basically finding out what you’re struggling with and what you want instead. I.e. what you’d like to be different in your life. 

Then using the various tools to help you move away from what you don’t want, towards what you do want.

If that sounds like it might help, you are welcome to join me for a free discovery call, so you can check if working together feels right for you and, if so, how we could go forward together.


My toolkit

Each of us brings our unique history, situation, personality and intentions.
To meet you where you are and fully support your growth, I draw upon a variety of modalities
(Hover over any for an introduction)

Each of us brings our unique history, situation, personality and intentions.
To meet you where you are and fully support your growth, I draw upon a variety of modalities
(Tap any for an introduction)

Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

NVC is both a collection of principles that support the development of a consciousness based on universal human values and needs as well as  a practical, learnable process that helps people connect more deeply with themselves and others.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

IFS conceives of every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts led by a core Self. Just like members of a family, inner parts are forced from their valuable states into extreme roles within us. We can heal and learn by accessing and healing these inner parts.

The Wheel of Consent

A model to clarify dynamics of giving and receiving; to explore desires & limits; and to negotiate agreements. It is based on, but not requiring, exchanges of touch. The Wheel notes the distinction between the ‘doing’ aspect of the touch dynamic and the ‘gift’ aspect — who it is for.

Authentic Relating

A practice that promotes deeper, more genuine connections by encouraging honesty, empathy, and active listening. It helps people express their true selves, understand others' perspectives, and create meaningful interactions.

Attachment Theory

A psychological & evolutionary framework concerning the relationships between humans. It explains how our early relationships result in us developing certain attachment styles: secure & insecure (anxious, avoidant..) which shape our emotional bonds & behaviours.

The Work of Byron Katie

A self-inquiry method that challenges negative thoughts and beliefs. It helps individuals question their thinking, shift perspectives, and find clarity, leading to greater inner peace and understanding. Simply ask 4 particular questions and apply the "turnarounds".

(Dynamic Governance)

A governance system based on the values of equality, efficiency and transparency. It offers support for organisational structure, consent decision making, power sharing, clarifying responsibility and collaborative feedback.

And many more…

Re-evaluation Counselling, Reinventing Organisations, Convergent Facilitation, Cooperative Games, Contact Improvisation, Restorative Circles & Systems Building...​


Let's talk

Are you ready to make your life more wonderful?

Schedule a free 15 minute discovery call now to meet me, ask questions and feel into whether you’d like to work with me.