Work with me






This time is for YOU

Just you. No-one else. For whatever you want support with.

I do my best to help you in whatever way you need, for the time we work together – usually 1.5 hours; occasionally 1 hour.

Sometimes just a single session is enough, but more often a series of 5 or more. Prices and packages outlined below.

I honestly believe that EVERYONE would benefit from this kind of support, but if you’re not sure, here’s the why, what and how:

Or, if you’re ready to dive in, then contact me.

What I can support you with

If you're facing challenges or want to grow in any of these areas,
flip it to see some ways I could help you with it.


  • Explore your feelings, needs, values & communicate them effectively

  • Express requests & limits: Ask for what you want; say ‘No’ to what you don’t with courage, clarity & care

  • Replace connection blocking habits with empathic listening skills

  • Navigate difficult conversations & address issues in a calm, connected & creative way

  • Give & receive feedback that is both productive & connecting

Authentic Connection & Relating

  • Transform harmful relational patterns, like ‘the Blame Game’, ‘Trigger Ping-pong’, People-pleasing, Codependency, Anxious-Avoidant loops etc.

  • See the humanity in others, even if their opinions or background differ greatly from yours

  • Negotiate consent & boundaries (with or without physical touch)

  • Embrace “conflicting” needs, so you can have intimacy & space; security & freedom; healthy dependence & independence…

Tension & Conflict

  • Engage with inner & outer tension in peaceful & productive ways
  • Embrace conflict as an opportunity for deeper understanding, trust and connection.
  • Identify & transform your default responses to intensity or conflict; whether its Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn!
  • Co-create a ‘menu’ of options for effectively responding to any kind of tension​
  • Transform judgemental thinking, blame, reactivity & anger
  • Reconciliation: Dissolve enemy images & heal wounds from the past

Purpose & Direction

  • Remove blocks, gain clarity & move forward with your plans, goals & dreams

  • Uncover or reconnect with your deeper purpose & direction in life

  • Collaborative problem-solving - meet your own & others’ needs, without guilt or compromise

  • Overcome indecisiveness & make intentional choices in your life

  • Learn practices, skills & insights from various modalities (listed below/above) & how they can be applied to your life

Patterns, Habits & Addiction

  • Uncover & transform hidden dynamics, habitual responses, stuck patterns & limiting beliefs

  • Free yourself from compulsive behaviors & addictions

  • Understand & rewire your brain to make your dopamine circuits work for you, not against you.

  • Transform patterns of hide & seek; attack & defend; demand & rebel; anger & shame

  • Release obligation, fear & guilt to access the guidance of your inner wisdom

Reactivity & Difficult Emotions

  • Integrate supportive practices for before, during & after being triggered

  • ​Find new pathways to digest intense emotions, like overwhelm, anger, shame, depression & jealousy

  • Respond effectively when others react or express themselves with intensity

  • Navigate the zones of comfort, panic & strategic discomfort to embrace challenge & growth

  • Tools for self and co-regulation

You can gain

People who work one-on-one with me, often report:

  • More awareness & improvements in many different skills - leadership, listening, connection, emotional intelligence, collaboration…

  • Reduced stress, anxiety & overwhelm; & more ease, clarity & focus

  • Less reactive & better able to stay grounded whilst experiencing their own or others' intense emotions​

  • Success at discussing sensitive topics without contributing to conflict

  • Feeling more hopeful & in charge of life

  • Improved self-care & compassion - more comfortable in their own skin & accepting of flaws

  • More confident & speaking up in situations where they might previously have held back​

  • Greater capability & resilience in the face of challenging behaviour & communication e.g. blame, judgment, criticism & demands from others

  • Finding and staying in satisfying relationship with others more often

  • Renewed attitude of gratitude​

How we work together

You can start by scheduling a free 15 minute discovery call to meet me, ask questions & feel into whether you’d like to work with me, while I get a sense of how I can support you

You decide if you’d like to schedule just one or a pack of sessions, then we find times that work for us both

For each session, you are welcome to come exactly as you are: you don’t need to prepare anything, do anything, or be anything

  • We follow your agenda, not mine. We work as a team, for YOU
  • This is your chance to ‘slow down’, tune in with intention, & face life’s challenges with support, openness & curiosity
  • We focus on clarifying & understanding what really matters to you, what you truly long for, & the changes you wish to make
  • Then, identify practical steps to fulfil those longings & make those changes
  • We access inner wisdom & emotional intelligence, along with supportive presence & a huge collection of resources & skills to transform the challenges you face​
  • I hold everything in strict confidentiality, so you feel safe to share as much as YOU want

My toolkit

Each of us brings our unique history, situation, personality and intentions.
To meet you where you are and fully support your growth, I draw upon a variety of modalities
(Hover over any for an introduction)

Each of us brings our unique history, situation, personality and intentions.
To meet you where you are and fully support your growth, I draw upon a variety of modalities
(Tap any for an introduction)

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

IFS conceives of every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts led by a core Self. Just like members of a family, inner parts are forced from their valuable states into extreme roles within us. We can heal and learn by accessing and healing these inner parts.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

NVC is both a collection of principles that support the development of a consciousness based on universal human values and needs as well as  a practical, learnable process that helps people connect more deeply with themselves and others.

The Work of Byron Katie

A self-inquiry method that challenges negative thoughts and beliefs. It helps individuals question their thinking, shift perspectives, and find clarity, leading to greater inner peace and understanding. Simply ask 4 particular questions and apply the "turnarounds".

Re-evaluation Counselling

A peer-counseling method based on the premise that emotional healing occurs when we release distress through talking, crying, laughing, or other natural processes. It cultivates mutual support, active listening, and the reclamation of our innate intelligence, connection and capacity for joy.

And many more…


I want to make these sessions accessible and sustainable, i.e. available to everyone who would benefit, regardless of income, and, at the same time, try to sustain myself financially.

So, I offer them at prices on a sliding scale:

  • I invite you to contribute as generously as you are able, based on your own resources, an awareness of my needs, and the value received.
  • Paying the higher end supports me to continue making this work available to those who can afford less.
  • If the lower end is more than you can afford, or if you feel unclear about this, please contact me

Payments are made in advance and are non-refundable.

1 hour

80 - 160

1.5 hours

110 - 220

5 x 1.5 hours

priced same as 4 sessions + 1 free
440 - 880

10 x 1.5 hours

priced same as 7 sessions + 3 free
770 - 1540


Let's talk

Are you ready to make your life more wonderful?

Schedule a free 15 minute discovery call now to meet me, ask questions and feel into whether you’d like to work with me.