
Upcoming Training Tour

Join as many as you like from these 6 independent full-day trainings on tour, March to May 2025

You are so welcome to join us for any of the events listed, 
whether you are completely new to this work or an experienced professional.

If previous training is required or supportive, it is noted on the event page. 

What makes Donal’s events special?


  • Based on a solid, multi-layered and practical understanding of what it means to be a human (warts, wounds and all)

  • We see people—their values, thoughts, and experiences—as most important

  • Connection before anything else - letting the learning grow from there

Clarity & Inclusivity

  • Clear intentions & agreements to maximise safety, support, self-responsibility, freedom of emotional expression etc.

  • Designed to work well for all levels of skill and previous experience

  • Minimal jargon i.e. language that might be confusing or alienating for those not familiar with certain teachings

  • All voices welcomed (which sometimes means asking the more frequent ones to hold back and listen more)

  • Little likelihood of developing a sense of ‘Doing it wrong’ or ‘Trying to do it right’

  • We are always willing to arrange for translation into the local language

Balancing Focus & Flow; Care & Choice

  • We make requests, rather than demands. So, there are no obligations and participation is always voluntary

  • One-to-one support available throughout. So, individuals can get extra care if needed, without derailing the group's focus ​

  • Tightly facilitated with specific moments for open expression and spontaneity ​

  • Efficient use of group time to maximise learning & connection

Experiential, Interactive, Applicable… & Fun!

  • ​​A carefully curated flow of learning principles, eliciting insights and practical activities; balancing time in whole group, small groups, pairs and alone

  • Short games and movement to integrate the teachings and keep energy up

  • Learning applied to real life situations, so it is practical, meaningful and relevant​​​

  • Infused with laughter, magic and playfulness

A full dose of everything!!

There are plenty of events to have beautiful and insightful experiences; some to learn life skills and principles; and few to deeply heal, transform your patterns and shift your consciousness.

​Occasionally, they impact you, the memory lasts and the effects are integrated​; and you might even get support in how to practice and apply it in your life.

​In the events I offer, I do my best to make sure everyone gets a full dose of all of this:
Clear and practical skills & insights that impact you; that invite lasting healing & transformation on whatever level you wish… and that can be immediately applied to your life.

​And all within a sweet, safe and cosy group field, so you feel held along your transformative journey; and cultivate friendships, community and supportive network.

Training Menu

If you can’t find what you are looking for in the upcoming events (or, if there are no events currently listed), you can see some of the trainings I’ve offered previously >>

If you’d like any in particular, I am happy to offer it either privately for your group, or publicly in your area… IF you are willing to host it, or find someone who will.

Got what it takes?


Feedback from a participant of one of Donal's recent trainings

Practical questions?

If you're wondering about practical details of the events,
you can find responses to the most frequently asked questions and more...