Communicate to Connect
NVC Fundamentals to Cultivate Connection with Yourself & Others
How many ‘stations’ on the following route have you recently visited?
> JUDGMENT (Blame, Criticism)
>> REACTIVITY (Triggers)
>>> ANGER (Frustration, Resentment)
>>>> CONFLICT (Inner or Outer)
>>>>> SHAME (Guilt, Embarrassment)
>>>>>> SADNESS, FEAR or other pains
>>>>>>> JUDGMENT …and so on
Hopefully not too many, because this route leaves us and our relationships worn out and eventually broken beyond repair.
There are alternative routes.
At this training, we learn Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to lay the foundations for more authentic, connecting and effective pathways. For example:
> Deeply connecting with yourself
>> Knowing clearly how you feel & what you do & don’t want
>>> Expressing that with courage, clarity & care
>>>> Holding what comes up for them with as much care as what’s up for you
>>>>> Your heart melting as you hear their feelings, desires or limits
>>>>>> Exploring ways that all of your needs can be met, without guilt or compromise
Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
Also known as Compassionate Communication, NVC is both a collection of principles that support the development of a consciousness based on universal human values and needs, as well as a practical, learnable process that helps people connect more deeply with themselves and others.
NVC helps connect us with what is alive in ourselves and in others moment-to-moment, with what we or others could do to make life more wonderful, and with an awareness of what gets in the way of natural giving and receiving.
And, more than just a way of communicating, NVC is a path which can transform the quality of all our relationships (family, friends, colleagues…), as well as so many areas of our lives. These include making decisions & resolving conflicts effectively, transforming our patterns of thinking & emotions, increasing creativity, sharing power, and so much more.
In this training, we learn the core principles and practices of this approach: to bring together honesty and kindness; compassion and accountability; individuality and connection… to be assertive and negotiable at the same time.
We journey together in an experiential exploration of NVC, using individual and group processes, games, exercises, role-plays and meditations to integrate the teachings.
We Explore:
- Why we communicate: Understand the interconnectedness of communication, understanding and connection to help meet more needs for more people.
- The roadblocks and detours of effective communication: Recognizing and transforming obstacles to connection like criticism, blame, guilt-tripping and coercion.
- NVC from all angles: Exploring the multifaceted dimensions of NVC through diverse perspectives, varied approaches, practical applications and underlying intentions.
- The power of observation: Establishing clarity and common ground by making non-evaluative observations.
- What’s really alive in you: Distinguishing our universal feelings and needs from thoughts, interpretations and strategies.
- Self-connection: Various approaches, in particular ‘self-empathy’, and how we can dance it!
- The consciousness of NVC: Behind the language of NVC, we introduce the consciousness on which it’s founded: the interdependence of human beings, the joy of natural giving, and the shift from ‘power over’ to ‘power with.’
You Can Gain:
- A fresh perspective on communication: Understand how language shapes our consciousness and creates our world.
- Re-conditioning: Uncover the language we’ve been conditioned to use, how it disconnects us and how we can translate it into language that encourages connection.
- Internal clarity: Learn to identify, name, and connect with your emotions, values and longings in a healthy way.
- Practical tools to immediately apply to your life: Bring more clarity, honesty and empathy to your interactions, so you can deal with conflict, difficult conversations and decisions with more fluidity, confidence and trust.
- Steps toward peace: Develop your ability to transform your own and others judgement, blame and criticism into understanding, compassion and the peaceful resolution of conflict.
- Strengthened relationships: Build trust and deep friendship through the practice of transparency and vulnerability
- Personal empowerment: Cultivate a sense of personal agency and empowerment in expressing your needs and requests.
Join us for a day of interactive learning, self-discovery and skill-building. This training goes beyond traditional communication methods, offering a holistic approach that addresses the consciousness behind our words.
Whether you’re looking to enhance personal relationships, navigate professional challenges, or simply communicate more authentically, this training provides valuable insights and practical tools.
Be prepared for a day of deep exploration, connection and personal growth.
No previous experience required.
This is followed by the ‘Power Up!’ training on Sunday.
Both are part of a tour of 6 independent training days, repeated in several locations.
You are welcome to join as many days as you like.
Details of the tour and registration here
If you would like accommodation during the weekend, please contact info@donalgannon.com