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There are many ways to work with me:

By attending any of the scheduled in-person events I offer, 

listed here



Which could be:


~ On Your Own
Coaching | Mentoring | Empathy | Counselling

~ With Someone Else ~ 
Relationship Coaching |  Mediation | Couples Counselling

~ As Part of a Group* ~ 

Organisational Consultation | Group Coaching | Private Training |

Team Building

*any kind, eg a family, business, community, social/learning group

This page is about the latter: working with me privately

I try to meet in person when possible,

otherwise by online video call or on phone.

An Informal Overview


Like many others, you could come to me looking for any kind of help, sometimes more generally, sometimes with a particular issue. It could be around your relationships, your life direction, your health & well being, or pretty much anything.

I have a variety of 'tools' from which we can choose and experiment with; from NVC to IFS to RC to others so great they can't be squeezed into an acronym!!


  • They are outlined and some explained in more detail on the linked pages.

  • Each 'tool' may be more or less useful depending on whether I’m working with you alone or with others.

We see which one fits best for your particular issues, personality(ies) and capacity(ies); to see if we can resolve whatever issues you bring.

We’ll use the different tools for what they are designed to accomplish and how they work most effectively.

Figuratively speaking, we won’t try to screw or cut something using a hammer, when a screwdriver or knife work better. We won’t try to rely on one particular modality to support all your issues.

Regardless of what we call these sessions, whether it's coaching, consultation, mentoring or even therapy, I’m basically finding out what you’re struggling with and what you’d like instead…. what you'd like to be different in your life (lives, relationship or work).

Then using the various tools to see how we can move you away from what you don’t want towards what you do want.

Sometimes it might look more like coaching, where I'm asking questions, holding you accountable, offering my experience and my advice. Sometimes I give you practices or exercises to do. Sometimes it might look more like counselling or therapy, where I’m mostly listening empathically, occasionally reflecting what I hear or asking questions to support you to explore deeper.

It really depends on what you need

So feel free to book a free discover call and we'll see if I can support you


Previous Client:


“I feel thankful and even blessed that Donal showed up in the community where I live to throw NVC and Restorative Circles as an anchor for all of us. I admire his professionalism and his commitment to be in service for human transformation as a mission driven by his heart.


I realized how much he’s been successful in working on himself reaching the point of being able to hold a space to facilitate processes for others and transmit the knowledge for others to heal themselves by themselves and with the support of the community.


I take Donal as an example of somebody who is manifesting with his own life and path the change we all want to see in this world. He is a good inspiration for me to use NVC tools in a daily life as well as considering a new perspective of conflict as an opportunity to grow and develop as a better human being."

- Loredana B., Cento e Oito Community, Portugal -


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