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Who’s it for?

It’s for you if you are someone who relates with others.

I honestly believe that EVERYONE would benefit from this kind of support!

In particular: Partners, lovers, family members, friends, work colleagues, neighbours…


Working with another person, particularly someone with whom you're experiencing challenging or painful communication, can be invaluable.


However, the intense emotions that often accompany conflict can make it hard to engage in relationship coaching or mediation. When you're preoccupied with managing your emotions, defending yourself, or just trying to ‘survive’ the interaction, it becomes difficult to learn and apply new communication skills.


In situations like this, I sometimes focus on working with my clients individually on self-connection and transforming their judgements, anger and enemy images of the other. This can help you make the necessary internal shifts such that work with the other becomes effective. 


In some cases, this individual coaching removes the need for relationship coaching or mediation altogether.


Either way, I do my best to support you in whatever way you need, for the time we work together. 

Sometimes just a single 1.5 or 2 hour session is enough, but more often a series of 5 or more. Prices and packages outlined below.



These sessions can serve you if you are:


- Facing communication challenges


- Stuck in unresolved tensions and conflict


- Dealing with difficult decisions together


- Reacting in ways that harm your relationship


- Struggling to ask for what you want or say ‘No’ to what you don’t

- Avoiding addressing certain issues, resulting in resentment

- Taking responsibility for each others' feelings


I can support you to:


- Find reconnection and restoration after breaks in trust and connection


- Give and receive feedback carefully and constructively


- Heal wounds from the past and rebuild trust


- Transform the way you relate to each other

- Engage with tensions and conflict, in peaceful and productive ways


- Navigate difficult conversations and address issues in a calm, connected and creative way


- Reach agreements that work for you both


- Uncover and transform hidden dynamics, habitual responses, stuck patterns and limiting core beliefs

- See the humanity in each other and experience greater connection, even if your opinions or background differ hugely

- Overcome indecisiveness and make more intentional choices in your lives, aligned with your sense of purpose and values

- Transform judgemental thinking, reactivity, anger and enemy images of each other

- Connect with and communicate your feelings, needs, desires and values

- Express requests and limits with courage, clarity and care

- Learn practices, skills and insights from various modalities (listed below) and how they can be applied to your relationship

What are the benefits?

People who use my support to work with another, often report:


- Greater capability and resilience in the face of challenging behaviour and communication e.g. blame, judgment, criticism and demands from others


- Renewed attitude of gratitude​ for each other

- Success at discussing sensitive topics without contributing to conflict


- Better able to stay grounded whilst experiencing their own or the others intense emotions


- Relationship shifts from energy-draining to energizing and co-empowering


- More awareness and ease in connection with each other


- Flexibility in the way they view situations

- Improvements in many different skills - leadership, listening, emotional intelligence, collaboration…

During the sessions, I draw from various modalities, including:

- Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

- The Wheel of Consent

- Internal Family Systems (IFS)

- Attachment Theory


- The Work of Byron Katie


- Authentic Relating

- Re-evaluation Counselling (RC)

- Family Constellations

How would we work together?

- Initially we meet for a free 15 minute discovery call. Ideally I could speak with you both, but this is not necessary.  I get a sense of how I can support you and you can feel into if and how you’d like to work with me

- You decide if you’d like to book a single session or a pack of sessions, and we schedule them in

- For each session, you are welcome to come exactly as you are; you don’t need to prepare anything, do anything, or be anything


- You can bring something to work on (eg any situation where you’d like to see change), or you can just bring yourselves, and let the work unfold together

- We follow your agenda, not mine. We work as a team, for YOU BOTH.

- We approach your relationship with curiosity, emotional intelligence and a calm, supportive presence

- We focus on understanding what really matters to you both, what you truly long for.

- I assist you in gaining clarity on what you need and the changes you wish to make.


- Then identifying practical steps to fulfil those needs and make those changes

- You'll have ample time to delve into your concerns and explore your issues

- This is your chance to "slow down," tune in with intention, and face life's challenges with support, openness and curiosity


- We can include support in negotiating consent and boundaries, with or without physical touch, using The Wheel of Consent

- I hold everything in strict confidentiality, so you feel safe to share as much as YOU want

Are you ready to make your relationship more wonderful?


Schedule a free 15 minute discovery call now 




I want to make this work both accessible and sustainable, i.e. available to everyone who would benefit, regardless of income, and, at the same time, try to sustain myself financially.


So, I offer them at prices on a sliding scale:


- I invite you to contribute as generously as you are able, based on your own resources, an awareness of my needs, and the value received.


- Paying the higher end supports me to continue making this work available to those who can afford less.


- If the lower end is more than you can afford or you feel unclear about this, please contact me

1.5 hours:         €150 - 300


2 hours:            €190 - 380


6 hour pack:    €450 - 900

(eg: 3 x 2 hours, or 4 x 1.5 hours) 


12 hour pack:   €800 - 1600

(eg: 6 x 2 hours, or 8 x 1.5 hours)


All payments are made in advance of sessions, and are not refundable.


Once you book your session(s), I will email you with confirmation of details, Zoom link.


If you don’t find this in your inbox or spam folder, please contact me

Previous Clients:


“I can’t wait to use the skills I learnt this weekend at my naturopathy clinic. Not only was this weekend entirely beneficial from a professional sense, it took me on an amazing personal journey of self-expression, love and connection with others”

- J. H. - 



“Thank you Donal for bringing these tools, especially the element of reflection - mutual comprehension - which makes sure that words aren't twisted and opposed outside of the way they were intended to, but instead really heard and understood.

Thank you for holding space and facilitating so beautifully" 
- Viodor - â€‹

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